Friday, May 23, 2014

A Real Closet Makeover Begins!

Now, y'all know that I like to keep it real.  And, I have a really small master closet.  No I am not being modest, no you are not going to scroll down and think, "My goodness it is bigger than my children's room!"  Nope, it is small.  I jokingly tell people that some people talk about their country home and the doggone thing ends up being an estate.  I just say I have a home in the country, because that is what it is.  A nice little house in the country.  The main problem in my house is storage.  The house was designed for up north where it should have a lovely basement.  But this is Gulf Coast Texas, a basement would be a bog of red clay and water.  It just doesn't happen here.  So the storage is all very tight!

I have had several configurations to my closet and they have all been horrible.  To be honest, though, a pretty new closet from a store is just out of my budget.  So, I am trying to make as small an investment as possible.  Here, is what we have been living with for several years, absolutely horrible.  I think at some point I just got so frustrated that I just gave up and lived with whatever! 

Now, the confession part hehehehe!  This has been severely purged when I took this picture.  I have already gotten rid of a bunch of clothes and several totes that were just stacked up at the end.  Yes, that is new light fixture for my bedroom that I put together and hasn't been put up yet.

So over the next couple of weeks (okay, maybe months) I want to show you the transformation and the projects that helped to make the improvement.   I wish that the end product was going to be three feet wider and a foot or two longer.  Unfortunately, it won't but I think I have some ideas that will definitely work better and ascetically be more appealing.  Of course, what wouldn't be :) !

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